Anti- Inflammatory Clean Eating Diet Fights Disease & Slows Aging
Clean Cuisine: An 8-Week Anti-Inflammatory Nutrition Program that Will Change the Way You Age, Look and Feel is a clean eating diet and healthy lifestyle plan based on foods that taste every bit as good as they are good for you. The title of the book includes the word “cuisine” because the taste and quality of the food is equally as important as the health-promoting benefits.
Every single time you sit down to eat you have the choice of selecting a food that will either increase inflammation, promote disease and accelerate the aging process or picking a food that will do the exact opposite. Food is our most powerful weapon against disease, but the sad reality is most people are not properly informed as to what makes up an anti-inflammatory clean eating diet. Popular dieting trends like paleo, low carb, low fat, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, and so on are not necessarily anti-inflammatory and if you do not have a basic understanding of nutrition and the science behind the disease-preventing and anti-aging benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet you are shortchanging yourself when it comes to optimizing your health.
Watch the video below of the NBC news segment talking about how clean eating can fight disease and help transform your body from the inside out:
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure!
The sooner you start optimizing your health with superior nutrition the better. A clean eating “Clean Cuisine” anti-inflammatory nutrition program based on unrefined whole foods is so healthful and so beneficial that it can be adopted by anyone, including children! Most people think that if they do not have an inflammatory condition (such as asthma, allergies, arthritis, fibromyalgia, endometriosis, etc.) that the benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet do not apply to them. However, an anti-inflammatory diet is not only the best diet to follow if you have an inflammatory disease it is also the best diet to follow to prevent and fight cancer, reverse type 2 diabetes, prevent and fight heart disease and it is hands down the best diet to cure obesity. And the best part is, following an anti-inflammatory diet requires zero portion control, no “counting food” in the form of carbs, calories, fat grams, points and so forth, and the food truly does taste amazing!
The Clean Cuisine 8-Week Program Reduces Inflammation To Fight Disease, Fight Fat & Slow Aging
The far-reaching benefits of Clean Cuisine’s 8-week anti-inflammatory nutrition program sound too good to be true, but science backs it up. The book outlines an 8-week program and includes over one-hundred direct references to nutrition studies published in mainstream medical journals (JAMA, New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, etc.) But you won’t need to read a medical study to know the program is working; you will see and feel results in 5 to 8 weeks! Your blood work will also back it up.
If you decide to start the Clean Cuisine 8-week program be sure to have your triglycerides, cholesterol panel (including HDL and LDL cholesterol) and CRP levels checked. Additionally, you will want to make a note of your blood pressure and body fat before you start. All of these numbers will improve in 5 to 8 weeks.
Start the Clean Cuisine 8-Week Nutrition Program TODAY!
Click HERE to see our Clean Cuisine Anti-Inflammatory Diet Pyramid.
To get started on the Clean Cuisine 8-week nutrition program today you can purchase the book HERE or sign up to register with a Clean Cuisine nutrition coach HERE.
And please keep us posted and share your testimonials! We would love to hear how the program works for you…
Photo Credits: Lena Hyde Photography/