Natural Remedies for Kids’ Common Ailments
Natural Remedies for Kids – If you care about feeding your kids real foods without pesticides, toxins, and allergens, you probably don’t want to rub petroleum onto their skinned knee or spray them down with carcinogens to keep bugs away.
Why are there toxins in products that are supposed to help kids heal? It’s a long story but the short answer is these less-than-ideal ingredients are inexpensive and easy to source. Sounds a little like our food system, right?

So, it can be a relief to know that when a typical childhood ailment or accident happens, there’s a natural treatment that works and will give you peace of mind by avoiding scary ingredients and unnecessary preservatives.
These natural remedies for kids have a long history of use before conventional medicine. Old-fashioned remedies have been passed down for generations because they work. Here you’ll find ways to use foods, herbs, and both traditional and non-traditional tactics to help speed recovery naturally.
Create a Natural First Aid Kit
You probably have a cabinet or drawer with bandaids, ointments, rubbing alcohol, etc. You can expand upon it (and replace some) with the following versatile items to create your own natural first aid kit. Because some of the items below are plants or food items that won’t store easily in your bathroom or closet, you may want to print a list or make a note of the many uses for the following items.
#1: Aloe vera – the best natural remedy for burns and cuts.
My grandma always kept an aloe plant in her sunny kitchen window and would break off a piece every time someone got a burn or scrape. If you don’t have a plant, buy pure aloe vera gel and keep it in your natural first aid kit.
#2: Apple cider vinegar – helps with warts and some rashes.
You can relieve sunburn pain with a 1:1 ratio of ACV and water. It can also be taken internally for a variety of digestive issues. We use Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother.
#3: Coconut oil – makes a great base for salves or tinctures.
Coconut oil is anti fungal and great at helping keep scabs moisturized and clean. It’s also helpful for dry skin and chapped lips. It’s also great for your green beauty routine. We recommend Nutiva Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil.
#4: Baking soda – great for bee stings, bug bites, and more.
Baking soda can be used to make a paste that relives bee stings, bug bites and many more things.
#5: Epsom salts – amazing for detox baths and easing sore muscles.
Soak a splinter in epsom salts for 10-15 minutes for easier removal.
#6: Witch hazel – a safe and simple way to clean minor cuts and scrapes.
Plus witch hazel is another addition to your nontoxic beauty routine as it’s one of the most inexpensive skin toners around.
#7: Essential oils – a great way to round out your natural first aid kit.
Lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, and tea tree essential oils can help with most childhood ailments from headaches, minor burns, insect bites, congestion, toothaches, and digestive issues.
Natural Remedies for Kids
These remedies apply to ailments that are not life-threatening emergencies. Head lice or swimmer’s ear don’t warrant a trip to the urgent care center. Of course, if your child experiences a major injury or complication, you should seek medical care immediately.
Homemade First Aid Ointment
This DIY first-aid ointment is useful for almost any type of scrape, scratch, minor bruise or bump that comes with an active childhood. You’ve probably used a store brand of “triple antibiotic ointment” but did you know it contains a petroleum byproduct for its base? This homemade ointment offers two simple, all natural formula options.
Natural Remedies for Bee Stings
I once had the misfortune of sharing a donut with a bee. I was in high school at a summer parade and all I can remember is sugar, crunchy wings, and PAIN. No one had any baking soda on hand, but someone’s mom said that tobacco would take the swelling down, so she opened a cigarette and told me to use the insides of it as a compress.
Needless to say… that’s not on my list of natural remedies for kids! But here are 10 ways to relieve the pain from bee and wasp stings naturally.

DIY Insect Repellent
Most conventional insect repellents are toxic, smell awful, and can cause skin rashes and breathing problems in people who are sensitive to the chemicals they contain. Not only is DEET generally unsafe for kids, it’s not a wise choice for pregnant women either. All you need to make this homemade insect repellent recipe is a glass spray bottle and a few essential oils.
Natural Remedies for Pink Eye
Does any kid escape childhood without getting pink eye at some point? While it is very contagious, it’s not typically dangerous as long as you treat it quickly. Learn how to tell the difference in viral vs. bacterial conjunctivitis plus ways to relieve the pain and redness from pink eye.
Natural Lice Prevention & Treatment
Just like we now have antibiotic resistant diseases, lice has managed to breed superbugs. These lice are called “super lice”or drug-resistant lice – not because they’re larger than the run of the mill lice – but because they’re immune to the usual over-the-counter and prescription drugs used to kill them. This guide to lice prevention and treatment offers ways to avoid getting lice and some proven remedies to mitigate in the event your child brings it home.
Home Remedies for Swimmer’s Ear
Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the lining of the ear canal. It doesn’t always come from swimming. It can come about from showering, bathing, playing in the sprinkler… any activity that can trap water in your child’s ear canal. Find preventative measures and natural remedies for swimmer’s ear to combat the discomfort.
Meet Amity Hook-Sopko
Executive Editor & Publisher of Green Child Magazine

Amity Hook-Sopko is the executive editor of Green Child Magazine, a digital community that meets moms where they are along their natural parenting journey. In her free time, you’ll find Amity paddleboarding, at a baseball field with her husband and sons, volunteering for an animal charity, or outside enjoying nature.