ByIvy LarsonUpdated: This post may contain affiliate links.
Totally tasty, definitely good for you: this 5-minute Avocado Pesto Sauce is something you need to make. Soon. Maybe even right this very minute?
If you’ve got the following six basic ingredients in your kitchen you could be enjoying a heavenly bowl of avocado pesto pasta for dinner in less time than it takes to make just about any other dinner I can think of. Here’s the only six things you will need:
Pine Nuts
Unrefined Sea Salt
And no, it did not just slip my mind to not include the olive oil or Parmesan cheese. I intentionally left those ingredients out and made my avocado pesto recipe without oil or cheese on purpose. Although a classic pesto recipe typically contains approximately 1/2 cup olive oil and 1/4 cup shredded Parmesan, you actually don’t need a drop of oil or any cheese at all to make a decadent pesto. You can still get the delicious rich taste and luxurious full-fat mouth-feel of a classic pesto by using “whole fats” in the form of avocado and pine nuts.
Avocado Pesto is Made from Plant-Based “Whole Fats”
If you read our Clean Cuisine book (see cover left) you already know we do not advocate a “low-fat” diet, but we do recommend a low-oil diet. And there’s a BIG difference!
If you swap “whole” plant-based fats such as nuts, seeds, olives, coconuts and avocados for excess oil you’d be getting a lot more fiber, phytonutrients, disease-preventing plant sterols, and other nutrients that would be much more useful at protecting your heart and your overall health compared to consuming oils alone. (1) What this means is that “whole” olives are healthier than olive oil, “whole” flaxseeds are healthier than flax oil, and the “whole” avocado and “whole” raw pine nuts used in the avocado pesto recipe are a more nutritious choice than any oil could ever be. This doesn’t mean you need to ban every last drop of oil from your kitchen, it’s just good to be aware that the “whole” food is always going to be more nutritious and provide more health benefits than the oil. You can read more about the benefits of getting more of your dietary fat from plant-based “whole fats” HERE.
What about losing the cheese in the avocado pesto? Is that maybe taking things to extremes? No. And it’s not because I don’t eat cheese either, it’s just that when you lose the oil, the cheese just doesn’t work. The pine nuts step up to the plate and take the place of shredded Parmesan. Perfectly, I might add. For the cheese record–and for those of you who care—although I no longer drink milk, I do still eat a wee bit of cheese. However, I do not eat cheese because I think cheese is a health food; I only eat cheese because I seriously love great, real and full-fat cheese and I do so many countless other things healthy that I don’t think a wee bit of cheese is the end of the world. You can read more about our Clean Cuisine stance on dairy, milk and cheese HERE.
How to Use Avocado Pesto
Like guacamole, avocado pesto is best made fresh and eaten shortly after it has been prepared. Also, keep in mind, avocado pesto is a raw food recipe that tastes best when not cooked. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t put your pesto on cooked, warm food. Avocado pesto is amazing tossed with cooked warm spaghetti squash, smothered on roasted vegetables, served as a dip, slathered on grilled fish or tofu, etc.
I do think my all-time favorite way to eat avocado pesto though is mixed in a big bowl of whole grain pasta with petite peas (see photo above). It’s beyond delicious and so very satisfying. You should definitely make yourself a bowl….
Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender (such as a Vitamix) and process until smooth and creamy. Serve at once.
Last Step!If you loved our recipe, leave us a review below. This helps future recipe makers and ensures continued high-quality recipes for years to come!
R. Segura, C. Javierre, M. A. Lizarraga, and E. Ros, “Other Relevant Components of Nuts: Phytosterols, Folate and Minerals,” British Journal of Nutrition 96, suppl. 2 (2006): D36–44.
In 2010, Clean Cuisine was launched because Ivy Larson wanted to share her anti-inflammatory lifestyle and delicious recipes using ingredients in their most natural and nutrient-rich state. In 2020, Ivy passed the website to Aimee Niedosik. Since then, Aimee have been adding new recipes and nutrition posts while updating old recipes and articles. Thanks for visiting Clean Cuisine!
I made this a four days ago. I am surprised that the left overs are still green. I had expected it to be brown by the next day. It was really good on the pasta. However, I liked it even more on toast for breakfast. Thanks for a great recipe.
Hi Laura! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I had NO idea it would last that long. So good to know 😉 And I am especially happy you liked it!
Holy Moley! Another huge success! This will be my new take to/make for parties dish! So creamy and wonderful. You were right about not missing the cheese.
Once again, my kids (1 & 1/2 boy and 2 & 1/2 girl) licked the spatula – literally. The peas were perfect addition I would have never thought to do. My kids picked them out of the fusilli and ate them first!!
Hi Yvonne, So sorry for the delay getting back to you. As for a good lemon juice substitute, hmmmmm…..I am thinking maybe almond milk might work. Of course it won’t add any tang, but the texture would work well. If you want to give your lemon juice-free pesto a bit more zing, you could try adding a splash or two of hot sauce? Just a thought…
I made this a four days ago. I am surprised that the left overs are still green. I had expected it to be brown by the next day. It was really good on the pasta. However, I liked it even more on toast for breakfast. Thanks for a great recipe.
Hi Laura! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I had NO idea it would last that long. So good to know 😉 And I am especially happy you liked it!
This was really wonderful! Made it this evening and served over zucchini noodles!
Hi Elizabeth! I’m so sorry I didn’t see this comment earlier, but thrilled to know you liked it =) Thank you for taking the time to let me know!
Do you think this would taste okay over zucchini noodles?
Holy Moley! Another huge success! This will be my new take to/make for parties dish! So creamy and wonderful. You were right about not missing the cheese.
Once again, my kids (1 & 1/2 boy and 2 & 1/2 girl) licked the spatula – literally. The peas were perfect addition I would have never thought to do. My kids picked them out of the fusilli and ate them first!!
Just what we needed. Thanks again!!
Oh YAAY! So happy to know you all liked it so much Wanda 😉 thank you for taking the time to let me know!
Would you have an idea what I can replace the lemon juice with, as I can’t have any citrus fruits or any vinegar??
Hi Yvonne, So sorry for the delay getting back to you. As for a good lemon juice substitute, hmmmmm…..I am thinking maybe almond milk might work. Of course it won’t add any tang, but the texture would work well. If you want to give your lemon juice-free pesto a bit more zing, you could try adding a splash or two of hot sauce? Just a thought…