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Juicing versus Blending

There are many theories on why one is better than the other, but here at Clean Cuisine we support and choose BLENDING over juicing 100%.  The reason for this is our belief in eating whole foods that are fiber-packed and antioxidant-rich. Blending  fruits and veggies into delicious smoothies is the only way to keep them closest to their most natural and unrefined state.

But, let me break down exactly what the distinctions are between juicing and blending for readers who are unaware of the difference.


Here at Clean Cuisine, we love the high-speed blender from Ninja for smoothies and single serve drinks, but if you’re looking for an ALL-IN-1, check out this one by  Luvele.


Pasteurized Juices are Heated & Treated Processed Foods

Unless you squeeze the juice yourself, you’ll most likely be drinking pasteurized juice (upward of 98% of all juice is pasteurized.) Juices are pasteurized to kill bacteria, molds and other “bad stuff”, but pasteurization also kills “good stuff”, including raw enzymes that are very beneficial for overall health, metabolic processes, digestion and detoxification. For pasteurization to be effective temperatures must reach 145 degrees F but since the enzymes in living raw foods (including fruits and vegetables) are killed at temperatures over 118 degrees F the bad stuff gets destroyed right along with the good.

I’m not a raw foodie so many of the otherwise healthy “whole” foods I eat are cooked and therefore enzyme-depleted. But, I try to get as many fresh raw fruits and vegetables into my diet as possible. While it’s true your body can make enzymes naturally, if you get the enzymes straight from your food it will do wonders for supporting a healthy metabolism, digestion and elimination. You’ll not only feel better (and lighter!), you’ll look better too.

The bottom line is, you are much better off eating the whole fruit (something that is living, fresh and enzyme-rich) as opposed to processed packaged pasteurized juice. If you are thirsty instead of sipping juice you (and the kids!) should just drink water.

Juicing: What if You Squeeze Your Own Juice?

Even if you squeeze your own juice it’s still not as good as eating the whole fruit. Anyway you pour it juice provides a much more concentrated source of calories in comparison to eating the whole fruit. It’s also very easy to over consume juice because it’s fiber-free and therefore considerably less filling than whole fruit. And besides, juicing is not only messy and time-consuming, it takes an enormous amount of fruit (or vegetables) to end up with a just a teeny tiny bit of juice. You end up tossing tons of fiber-rich pulp right down the drain (which is totally ridiculous considering the vast majority of people don’t get anywhere near the fiber they should in the first place!)

But, there is a better way to make fresh juice. Let’s say you want to make fresh orange juice. Instead of squeezing the juice out of the orange and tossing the fiber-rich pulp in the trash it would be far better to simply peel the orange and throw the whole orange segments (pulp and all) right into a blender and just make your juice like that. This way you end up getting the “whole” orange…just in liquid form. By the way, you don’t want to let that “whole” orange juice sit around too long or vital nutrients (such as antioxidant vitamin C) will be destroyed by oxidation. It’s best to drink ALL juice immediately after it’s been made.


Juicing is a process that extracts the water, nutrients, and sugars from fruits and vegetables, leaving a concentrated juice that is packed with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

So…what’s the problem?

The problem with juicing is that the process of extracting the water and nutrients from fruits and veggies removes many of the antioxidants and ALL of the all-important fiber. Yes, you can ingest all of the vitamins from eight carrots in one glass of juice, but you are also ingesting all of the sugar from those eight carrots. With no fiber to help the body digest the sugars in a slow and balanced way, sugars are rapidly released into the bloodstream, drastically affecting blood-sugar levels.

High blood-sugar levels means 4 things:

Increase risk of disease

Affect mood swings

Increase food cravings

Reduce energy

Fractured Foods are not WHOLE Foods:

Think about it this way: the juice that is extracted from juicing is not even considered a “whole” food. Because juicing extracts the fiber and antioxidants, the juice that is extracted is a fractured food that does not fall in line with Clean Cuisine’s emphasis on eating nutrient-dense “WHOLE” foods.

Additionally, because juice is a processed food it deteriorates very quickly. It does not matter how carefully your juice is pressed; all juice begins to breakdown and oxidize immediately after it is pressed. If you do juice, the only juice you should drink is juice that is served within five minutes of juicing.

Who should be juicing?

There are, however, benefits of juicing in some cases. Without the extra work of breaking down the fiber, the body does absorb the nutrients from juicing at a faster rate. This is particularly beneficial for people with illnesses that affect the digestive system, patients undergoing chemotherapy, and those who are recovering from major surgery. But…again…along with the quick shot of nutrients, you are also getting way too much sugar in a single shot. So, Clean Cuisine only recommends juicing if you are at or below your ideal body weight.

One final word…

We can find an abundance of scientific studies to back up all sorts of incredible health benefits from eating “whole” fruits and vegetables, but we can’t find any scientific evidence that supports juicing is as beneficial (much less better for you!) than eating the “whole” fruit and vegetable.



Blending is a process that blends the “whole” fruit or vegetable (technically “whole carbohydrates” –the good kind!) into a delicious smoothie that includes all of the nutrients, fiber, antioxidants, and enzymes. Unlike juicing when the pulpy fiber is removed and regularly thrown away (yikes! What a waste!!!), blending includes the fiber, breaking it apart to allow for easier digestion and a slow and even release of nutrients (and sugars) into the bloodstream.

When “whole carbs” entire your bloodstream slowly, they raise your blood sugars slowly, offering solid nutrition, and keeping us healthy on many levels.

Whole carbs means the following benefits:

Fight heart disease by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides

Control blood sugar levels

Curb food cravings

Boost energy

Preserve metabolism-boosting lean muscle mass

Improve your mood

Keep you full for hours!

Blended smoothies fill up more room in your stomach than the juice extracted from juicing. You will not be hungry after drinking a delicious smoothie that is filled with whole fruits and veggies.

When I am in a rush, my go-to meal is a green smoothie made with delectable dark greens (like spinach), frozen organic fruits, half of an organic banana, chia seeds, and coconut water (coconut water adds a deliciously refreshing flavor and is an excellent source of potassium and electrolytes). For some great smoothie recipes, click here.

Blending your fruits and veggies is a perfect way to prepare real whole foods that are found in their most natural and unrefined state. Blending breaks down the fiber for easier digestion but keeps ALL of the nutrients.

Whole foods provide these 4 wonderful benefits:

Vitamins to support a healthy immune system

Minerals to assist with proper cell function

Antioxidants to fend off disease, slow aging, and reduce inflammation

Fiber for detoxification, slow absorption of natural sugars, and natural appetite control

Whole food smoothies keep their nutrients for HOURS. They also keep you FULL for hours after drinking!


Which Blender Should You Use?

Here at Clean Cuisine, we are HUGE supporters of the Luvele Vibe Blender System.

luvele vibe blender system

My Luvele Vibe Blender was only $398. and out-powers, out-blends and out-performs any other blender we’ve ever used. We use our Luvele Vibe! It has been one of the best investments I have ever made. We use it everyday to make delicious smoothies, soups, sauces, and I even make my own almond milk! It is the most used appliance in my house and the #1 easiest way for YOU to kick start a Clean Cuisine lifestyle in your own home. Even the most timid veggie eaters will have a hard time resisting a deliciously frozen sweet (but healthy) treat!

We also LOVE the  Ninja Professional 1000w with the 2 smoothie drink cups. We use both in our kitchen every single week. The Ninja is typically under $100 and even though there are lots of competition out there, this blender is our favorite for making smoothies and quick whole fruit juices for the kids in the morning.

Ivy Larson

In 2010, Clean Cuisine was launched because Ivy Larson wanted to share her anti-inflammatory lifestyle and delicious recipes using ingredients in their most natural and nutrient-rich state. In 2020, Ivy passed the website to Aimee and Madison. Since then, they have been adding new recipes and nutrition posts while updating old recipes and articles. Thanks for visiting Clean Cuisine!

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Clean Cuisine Challenge Day 32: Greens & Green Tea Smoothie

Sunday 3rd of August 2014

[…] For more detailed information and to see who juicing does benefit click HERE. […]

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