Online Grocery Shopping for Health Foods at a Discount

Where to do Online Grocery Shopping

Want to Buy More Healthy Foods and Organic Products But Don’t Live Close to a Whole Foods Market or Trader Joe’s?

Online Grocery Shopping at Vitacost Can Help…

I still remember several years ago when Whole Foods Market opened 5-minutes away from my house in Palm Beach Gardens. And I am currently counting the days until the grand opening of Trader Joe’s down the street (on PGA Blvd) in just a few months. Between having a Whole Foods Market right down the street and owning a Vitamix, I can eat super clean without giving up a thing when it comes to taste.

It is amazing how far clean eating has come in just the last few years. Health conscious chefs and food bloggers are now cranking out incredibly delicious (and creative!) recipes using ingredients such as hemp seeds, chia seeds and gogi berries—superfoods that were pretty much unheard of to the general population until as recently as 2009 or so. I happen to be pretty tuned in to the timing of all of this because when my husband and I wrote our first health/ nutrition book back in 2005 we were worried that adding flaxseeds to the recipes might be going a bit too far and would potentially scare off the average reader. But these days, foods like flaxseeds and hemp seeds are well accepted by a growing population.

Health conscious chefs and food bloggers are not the only ones taking notice of the growing interest in clean eating…

A lot of big food companies recognize the clean eating trend is here to stay and many are trying to boost the nutritional value of their foods (the vast majority of big food companies are not succeeding at this, but the reason for that is another story altogether). However, there is a plethora of brand-new, small health food companies and mom and pop start-ups putting out some pretty amazing foods. And by amazing, I mean they not only taste incredible but they are also truly healthy. The creative geniuses behind the new generation of healthy food products are working hard to weave superfoods into their products, to use organic ingredients and to avoid additives, preservatives and other substances nobody can recognize as real food. Many companies, such as Navitas Naturals, are also packaging raw and unrefined superfood ingredients such as cacao powder, maca powder and gogi powder.

The biggest downside is that these new health food products are not cheap.

The second biggest downside is that unless you live close to a Whole Foods Market or Trader Joe’s or happen to have a super well-stocked nutrition store in your neighborhood, you won’t be able to easily buy these new health food products in your local area. You might never even hear about them or see them either.

But online grocery shopping at can solve both issues.

What is Vitacost? is my favorite online grocery shopping destination for health foods and as well as healthy lifestyle products (such as skin care, beauty products, nutrition supplements, etc.)

Best of all, the Vitacost prices truly can’t be beat. Vitacost offers savings of up to 50% off retail!

Online Grocery Shopping with Vitacost Offers Convenience & Free Shipping Too!

In addition to being incredibly convenient and offering great name brand healthy products at a discount, Vitacost typically offers free shipping on orders over $49, but if you click on the ad above and place an order you can get free shipping for orders over $25.

The selection of products on Vitacost is endless and as of today they offer close to 40,000 different healthy products, including their own high-quality Vitacost brand products.

If there is a product you love and you can’t find it on Vitacost you can simply send a request and they will do their best to bring the product to you (for less, of course!)

Lots of Name Brand Products for Less! is just a bit like the TJ Maxx or Marshall’s of the healthy lifestyle product world in that it offers an amazing assortment of name brand discounted healthy food and healthy lifestyle products. However, unlike TJ Maxx or Marshall’s, Vitacost always keeps ALL of their almost 40,000 different healthy lifestyle products in stock—and they are a lot easier to find too!

A Quick Word of Caution Before You Start Online Grocery Shopping…

Vitacost is also similar to Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe’s or any other natural foods store in that every single product it sells is not necessarily healthy. So, just because a product is sold at Vitacost does not mean it is “Clean Cuisine” approved.

If you have read our Clean Cuisine book then you will surely have no problem identifying which foods are “Clean Cuisine” approved and which are not. You can also read this article outlining our guidelines to choosing healthy packaged foods.

If you have any questions about whether a food product is “Clean Cuisine” approved please leave a comment below and I will try to respond as quickly as possible. You can also email your question to our “Ask Erin Columnist’ at


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  1. Thanks for the useful information of online shopping, give more innovative updates.

  2. I’ve been shopping on vitacost for about 5 years now I also like iherb dot com my orders come faster than vitacost the difference in price is about 1.00 or under on almost everything. Wonderful to have options to shop from home and get quality supplements and food stuffs too 🙂