If you were to take a random poll on the street and ask people how to increase energy the top three most popular answers would most likely be coffee, caffeine and energy drinks. And sure, any sort of stimulant will give you a temporary energy surge. However, if you are relying on stimulants day after day and week after week then you are more or less just putting a band-aid on your energy problem.
There are of course plenty of lifestyle factors that also help increase energy levels. For example, getting adequate sleep, regular exercise and exposure to natural sunlight (for vitamin D) are all important daily habits for natural zip, pep and go. However, many times a lack of energy is directly correlated with diet and poor nutrition.
Many nutrients work in synergy and contribute to vigor and vitality in overlapping ways, but there is one group of nutrients that really stand out as being the “energizing vitamins”. The B vitamins! And yet, it is estimated that as many as 15 to 40% of people are deficient in one or more B vitamins. No wonder so many people list lack of energy as one of their number one health complaints.
The B vitamin group are so well known for their ability to boost energy that many energy drinks are fortified with unnaturally high levels (note: unnaturally high is not necessarily synonymous with safe!) Luckily there is a 100% safe, all-natural and super easy way to get your daily B vitamin fix along with a surge of energy. “B Tea” is the secret…
“B Tea” Secret: How To Increase Energy without Caffeine, Coffee or Stimulants
Watch the video below to learn more about how to increase energy with “B Tea”!
P.S. What’s for Dinner?
Have you checked out our collection of healthy dinner recipes?
Friday 22nd of April 2016
Please, would you post the recipe here?
Ivy Larson
Sunday 1st of May 2016
Hi Joy,
Oh sure, it really is so easy---I basically just mix 2 tablespoons of non-fortified Nutritional Yeast (it's super important to get NON-FORTIFIED!) and juice from 1 whole lemon in 8 ounces of hot water. SO easy!!!