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How Do I Become Physically Fit?

The REAL WORLD 30-Minute Workouts that Get Results!

Circuit Training Workouts That Use a Stability Ball

I’m somebody who absolutely does not like to waste time! I have very little spare time these days and so I’m always looking to maximize results on pretty much everything I do…and that includes working out. How do I become physically fit? is a question I get all the time from busy moms just like me. I’m not one of those moms who goes to the gym to socialize (in fact, I don’t even own a gym membership because I feel I can get just as good a workout at home—without wasting time getting dressed and driving to the gym!) I think a lot of women, especially moms, can relate to me. Everybody seems time-crunched these days and we all want to get results with the least amount of time invested. Most fitness trainers will tell you that you need to spend a lot of time working out to get results. I’m gonna say that’s just not true.

A Properly Designed 30-Minute Workout Can Get Results!

In fact, as I see it, a major problem with many fitness programs is that they require tremendous time commitment. This discourages people right off the bat. Even worse, many people who do commit to lengthy workout programs never actually realize their fitness goals (such as fat loss, improved strength, etc) even though they consistently exercise four and five days a week. By the way, if you are someone who is exercising four and five days a week and not getting results you are either 1) exercising wrong,  2) eating wrong or 3) both.  Clean eating should be the foundation of your diet and your workout should be designed around time-efficient exercises.

The surprising truth is 90 percent of the health benefits that can be obtained from exercise can be achieved with approximately two hours per week of concentrated and intense effort.

How Do I Become Physically Fit?

The best part is you don’t even need to leave your house or join a gym (unless you want to.) Andy and I currently don’t even own a gym membership so all of our workouts are home-based.  Our basic approach to fitness is to maximize results in the least amount of time possible, which means focusing on intensity and time-efficient training techniques. To do this, we incorporate scientifically sound exercise training methods that are proven to deliver results quickly. Although we mix and match a wide variety of different types of exercises into our workouts ranging from yoga to pilates, ballet (well, actually, I have not yet been able to convince Andy to try ballet!) to weight lifting, calisthenics to sport-specific drills, we primarily design our fitness routine around some form of circuit training workout program.

Circuit Training Workouts are the Key to Getting Fitter, Firmer, Faster

If you only have a short amount of time to exercise, resistance circuit training workouts are proven to the best all-around way to get fit, lean and strong. In fact, a properly designed resistance circuit training workout program, whether it’s based on exercises that originate from ballet, yoga, weight training or whatever, should deliver results and get you functionally fit exercising just 30-minutes, 3 days a week. That’s it! Yes, a 30-minute workout plan that you do just 3 days a week can absolutely get you fitter, firmer, faster. Sure you can do more exercise if you want, but as long as you do 30-minutes, 3 days a week of a properly designed workout (combined with clean eating) you will get results. We’ve seen the results first hand over and over while teaching our Health and Body Makeover Programs in south Florida and New Jersey. Best of all, everybody can squeeze in 30-minutes, 3 days a week no matter what your busy schedule (I say everybody because I saw Andy manage to squeeze in 30-minute workouts 3-days a week for the entire 5 years he was in his surgical residency and I don’t know many people who can honestly say they work harder than surgical residents!)

One of the things I especially love about 30-minute workout plans is that they fit into “real world” living. You are much more likely to stick to your workout and actually do your workout and therefore much more likely to see result if you can get the job done in 30 minutes.


Ivy Larson

In 2010, Clean Cuisine was launched because Ivy Larson wanted to share her anti-inflammatory lifestyle and delicious recipes using ingredients in their most natural and nutrient-rich state. In 2020, Ivy passed the website to Aimee Niedosik. Since then, Aimee have been adding new recipes and nutrition posts while updating old recipes and articles. Thanks for visiting Clean Cuisine!

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