Manna Organics Bread: Whole Grain Sourdough Bread (& VIDEO with Recipe for Crostini with Roasted Carrot Hummus)



I recently came across a delicious new brand of organic sourdough bread made from whole grain flours with zero additives, no oil, no yeast, no preservatives and nothing artificial. Made by Manna Organics, “Bavarian Style Sunny Sourdough”has a delicious moist texture with a pleasantly tangy taste fans of sourdough bread will love! This delicious bread is crafted in small batches, by bakers trained in the Old World techniques of making the best tasting breads in the world. Manna Organics start with whole grain organic flour and filtered water, add their own sourdough cultures and let the dough rise.  The loaves are then hand crafted and slowly baked. You can definitely taste the difference! Another thing that separates Manna Organics brand from other sourdoughs brands is the ingredients, all of which are pure, simple and wholesome. The video below explains more about the importance of reading the ingredients on all foods you buy, but I’ll emphasis it again in print too.

Trying to “EAT CLEAN”?

Focus on Reading the Ingredients & Forget About the “Nutrition Facts”

It gets me crazy every time I hear someone say they are choosing processed food “X” over processed food “Y” because processed food “X” has fewer calories, fewer carbs, etc. So many people make their food choices based on the highly misleading “Nutrition Facts” that are on the back of all packaged foods. But here’s the REAL deal….the “Nutrition Facts” tell you absolutely NOTHING about whether the food you are eating is nutrient-dense or not. The nutrition facts won’t do a thing to help you if you are trying to “eat clean”, which many people are trying to do these days!

Since the “Nutrition Facts” tell you nothing about the nutrient-density of the food, if I were the manufacturer of low-nutrient processed food products I’d be super happy about that! However, I would worry an itsy bit about how to make my processed junk food product look less damaging on the “Nutrition Facts”. The last thing I would want splashed all over the box is that eating a normal-sized portion of my food was catastrophically caloric. First thing I would do to remedy that would be make the portion size itty bitty…that way when consumers scanned the “Nutrition Facts” for the calories, carbs, fat grams, etc. they would see my product could fit right into a “healthy diet”. This strategy is of course is exactly what the clever food manufacturers do!

“Eat Clean” Recipe:

Sunny Sourdough Crostini with Roasted Carrot Hummus

Serves: 2-4

Crostini are thin Italian toasted bread slices that are incredibly tasty and beyond easy to make! I decided to make crostini from the “Bavarian Style Sunny Sourdough” and top it with an ultra-nutritious, very tasty roasted carrot hummus. These make great appetizers, quick snacks or even a light lunch (perfect served with a huge bowl of vegetable soup or a large salad). Best of all, they are incredibly quick and easy to make!

  • 4 large carrots
  • 2 slices Manna Organics “Bavarian Style Sunny Sourdough”, cut each slice of bread in fours, making four small squares
  • Extra virgin olive oil, for brushing on bread
  • Unrefined sea salt to taste
  • 1-2 tablespoons julienned sundried tomatoes, packed in extra virgin olive oil
  • Juice from 1/2 to 1 whole lime
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Lightly brush carrots and bread pieces with extra virgin olive and season lightly with salt. Place the bread and carrots on a baking sheet. Bake the bread for 10-12 minutes, or until crispy. Remove bread from oven and set aside. Cook the carrots for 40 minutes, or until soft and tender. Remove from oven and set aside to cool.
  3. Coarsely chop the carrots and transfer to a mini-food processor. Add 1-2 tablespoons of sundried tomatoes and lime juice. Process until smooth and creamy. Season with salt to taste.
  4. Spread the carrot hummus on the crostini and eat at once.

Related Recipes + Nutrition

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  1. Rose Hjort says:

    I just made this hummus for lunch yesterday. It turned out fantastic! Thanks a bunch.

  2. Pingback: Hot & Healthy Find: Whole Grain Sourdough Bread (& VIDEO with … | ClubEvoo